What is Original Order?
Beginning in 2018, St. John Vianney Parish, under the directive of Bishop Larry Silva and the Diocese of Honolulu, began to offer the Sacraments of Initiation in their Original (or Restored) Order: Baptism (generally as an infant), then Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist at the age of seven (7). See here for more information about Original Order.
FRCE Program
As primary educators of their children, parents have the right and the duty to be involved in preparing their children for Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. Before a child receives any sacrament, he/she must be prepared through regular attendance in a religious education program. Religious studies in preparation for reception of the sacraments may be completed either through the St. John Vianney Parish Religious Education program or a Catholic school.
Program Requirements
Mass Attendance
Parent and child attendance at weekly Sunday Mass is an automatic pre-requisite for the child's reception of the sacraments.
Program Attendance
Our FRCE program is a two (2) year program generally beginning in 1st grade and continuing into 2nd grade. If the child was not enrolled in the religious education program at St. John Vianney Parish or St. John Vianney School during year one, confirmation of attendance in a religious education program or Catholic school is required before entering year two.
Consistent attendance at the scheduled Sunday sessions are required. If you are unable to attend, please notify the Religious Education Coordinator and arrange to pick up any information from the missed session(s).
Students of Catholic Schools and Home Schools
If the child attends a Catholic school, catechetical preparation is to be done there. Pastors are to presume that children enrolled in second grade in a Catholic school have received sufficient catechetical preparation for the sacraments.
However, family participation in retreats, parent sessions, rehearsals, and liturgical celebrations are to take place at the parish where the child will receive their sacraments.
Letter to Pastor
A letter to the pastor is required indicating the family’s readiness for the child to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist. This letter should also address how the family practices their faith. Deadline to submit the letters is identified at the beginning of the program.
Family Faith Formation
St. John Vianney Parish offers programs to parents to teach them practical ways to fulfill their role and deepen their own faith life, help them grow in their own understanding and appreciation of the sacraments and enable them to catechize their children more effectively (NDC no. 36A, 3a). Family Faith Formation events will be announced as soon as possible.
Parent Sessions
Parents will be required to attend sessions held throughout the year to help strengthen your faith as you guide your child through this important time of preparation. Dates and topics of sessions will be announced. A mandatory virtual parent's meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 20 at 6:30pm. Please contact the Religious Education Coordinator to register your child. [email protected]
Gift Bearers
In order to encourage our youth and their families to actively participate in Mass, beginning in the Spring, we encourage all FRCE families to volunteer to be Gift Bearers during a Mass of their choice. Procedures for being Gift Bearers can be found here.