Lectors are trained and commissioned to serve the parish by proclaiming Sacred Scripture at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. This ministry is open to those in Grade 7 or above who are practicing Catholics who attend Mass regularly. Ministers must also be fully initiated in the Church with the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Attendance at two training workshops is required prior to serving in the ministry.
For your schedule, please go to: www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/vianney920 and enter your username and password.
Lectors are trained and commissioned to serve the parish by proclaiming Sacred Scripture at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations. This ministry is open to those in Grade 7 or above who are practicing Catholics who attend Mass regularly. Ministers must also be fully initiated in the Church with the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion. Attendance at two training workshops is required prior to serving in the ministry.
For your schedule, please go to: www.rotundasoftware.com/ministry/vianney920 and enter your username and password.